About this SiteThe content on this site and in the associated position paper was written by Edwin Hayward. I am a director and co-owner of 2 UK Ltd companies that stand to be directly impacted by Nominet's proposal, Memorable Domains Ltd and Maps Ltd. I first learned about their proposal because Memorable Domains Ltd is a member of Nominet, and they sent a request for comments out to their membership on 1 October 2012. (To my knowledge, they have never sent such a request to their client base of 3,000,000+ domain owners, even though they're the people who will be most affected by it.) My involvement in the domain name industry started in 1996 when I established the world's first dedicated domain name news and information website, iGoldrush.com. I sold this website to its current owner in 2000, but I have remained active in the industry ever since. I have presented on panels at a number of domain conferences, most notably the MeetDomainers show held in Manchester in August 2010, and the TRAFFIC ccTLD conference held in Amsterdam in June 2009. I have also exhibited at Internet World in 2008 and 2009. On occasion, I have featured in the media on domain name issues, going back to news reports by CNET.com in 1997, and I am referenced in "The Domain Name Game", a book by David Kesmodel. You can find me on Google+, LinkedIn and Twitter Memorable Domains Ltd Maps Ltd What next?Time is running out... To find out more about this issue, and how your business is likely to be affected, please download the position paper. |
If you own a .co.uk domain name, you NEED to see this document or risk losing any chance of getting the corresponding .uk! You have been warned...